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(Physostegia virginiana) aka False Dragonhead


If you’d like to grow Obedient Plant from seed it doesn’t get easier than the Physostegia virginiana aka False Dragonhead. The seeds sprout really easily with a germination rate of nearly 100 percent. Seeds can be collected from existing plants. If you don’t have one already growing in your garden you can purchase Obedient Plant seeds online.

Obedient plant has tubular, snapdragon-like, pink to pale lilac flowers on tall spikes rising to 2-4’ tall. The foliage consists of narrow sharply toothed leaves (to 3-6” long). The flowers grow successively on tall 24″ stalks in four vertical rows. Once the flowers wither away the entire stalk that remains will be loaded with seed pods containing one seed per pod but dozens of total seeds per stalk.


Obedient seeds require a cold period to germinate. If you live in a warm climate then it is best to place the seeds inside a fridge for 3-4 weeks before planting.



Obedient Plant 30 Seeds

GST Included
  • Spring